Your number one marketing tool, the website, is right there in front of you when you turn on your computer each day, as it is for every other person in the world. Why not take advantage of its ability to capture the attention of your audience with the best first impression possible? Although we aren’t supposed to judge a book by its cover, most people tend to evaluate very quickly, and within seconds, great web design can show off your best look and ultimately affect credibility—even before they use your product or service.
AFD designs with your first impression in mind. We build interest with eye-catching imagery and a strong message right off the bat so the viewer knows exactly what the company does and what they stand for. Your brand story should be evident throughout the site. As a part of our website design process, we do a competitor and industry analysis to come up with a functional, dynamic web design that stands out in the crowd and competes effectively.
Our WordPress programmers at 360 Web Designs are professionals in this field. They take the designs we create and build out responsive and engaging websites. The longtime working relationship reflects our commitment to each other and to creating a high-quality product that enables clients to see a return on investment.
Functional, responsive high-quality web design is not only a product, but also a process. We are available for that ongoing process long after the website has been made public.
So, if your number one marketing tool is your website, and you want to engage your potential customers, then it makes sense to connect with AFD to see how we can help.

After the launch we offer the following:
- WordPress Tutorial
- Maintenance Program
- Blog Writing
- Social Media Banner Graphics
- And more…