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Logo Design, General, Web Tips
Stretching Graphics?
I see it all the time. Well-meaning small business owners or their employees will post, do a PowerPoint presentation, or add their logo to a website and stretch or squish it without realizing it. Many social media sites or presentation applications have tools that allow one to edit the logo before placing it. Cropping and resizing tools are common but should be used with caution.

Correct ratio
Stretching or squishing your graphic to fit the dimensions is not a good idea because:
- JPG and PNG files will get blurry because they are created as raster, or as a fixed number of pixels, and will start to blur as you increase the size.
- Changing the ratio of the file will put the graphic out of proportion.
- It compromises the brand. Imagine Nike with a stretched-out logo. The company brand police would be on top of that like glue. Small business brands are just as important as those big guys. Police your own business brand.
Listen and ask questions of your designer. If you do not own a file that fits within the confines of a website or application, please request a resized file or ask for suggestions from a professional. Depending on what graphics you originally purchased, you may need to pay for a new file that fits your current needs.
Questions about your brand or specific graphics can be brought up in a free consultation with me. Connect to set up an appointment today.
#logo #designer #socialmedia #brandpolice #powerpointdesign
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Annette created a bold layered and outlined logo that has a strong American eagle character. This client wanted to have a powerful brand that would stand out on a truck wrap.